Aligning Education with the Needs of A Changing World
The educational landscape for Primary and Secondary students has significantly transformed in today's rapidly evolving world. Unlike the past, where success was often measured by a student's ability to memorize and effortlessly recite information or solve mathematical problems, the year 2023 presents a whole new set of challenges and expectations.
In this age of technological advancements, we are fortunate to have immediate access to vast amounts of information through the internet. As a result, memorizing facts has become less valuable, and education today must adapt to meet the demands of our rapidly changing world. It is essential for what is taught in schools to align with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's digital era.
To thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of today's world, educationalists 3,4 emphasise the importance of students developing a range of essential skills, practical and soft, if they hope to be successful in the future:
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Creativity and innovation
Effective communication
Emotional intelligence / interpersonal skills
Digital literacy and technology
Data analysis
People management / leadership
Adaptability and resilience
Cultural competence and diversity awareness
Lifelong learning
Time management

We can all relate to how different the requirements are compared to when we were in school. Today, our children face unique challenges and opportunities that demand a new approach to learning. Education needs to focus on developing these essential skills rather than memorization of knowledge so that students can better navigate challenges and succeed in their future endeavours.
At TIS, we understand the urgent need to prepare today's students for the ever-changing world they'll be entering. Through our cutting-edge curriculum and engaging teaching methods, we strive to equip our Students with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world confidently. Whether it's mastering technological literacy or developing critical thinking abilities, we focus on empowering all our Students for success. By blending traditional educational values with forward-thinking approaches, TIS ensures that every student is well-prepared and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.
In Kindergarten and Elementary, we proudly offer the Alberta program of studies via the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme framework. This unique educational framework2 enables teachers and students to immerse themselves fully in a curriculum that encourages holistic development:
In today's age, programmes that go beyond subject boundaries and foster connections between different concepts are important. This empowers learners to gain knowledge and develop deep conceptual understandings applicable across various contexts. Learners can develop a holistic understanding of the world around them by linking ideas across different subjects.
Effective approaches to learning and teaching are crucial for nurturing curious minds and fostering the development of skills needed to explore concepts and expand subject knowledge.
Through reflection and taking action students can improve their individual learning and understanding. It allows us to address personal, local and/or global challenges and opportunities. By engaging with these opportunities we can pave the way for growth in our personal lives and broader community.
In addition, students also receive valuable instruction in citizenship and character education. Our esteemed Tiger Traits program shines a spotlight on particular character traits each month, such as developing resilience, caring, being a good communicator, and being responsible.
Engaging with fellow students in the IDEA LAB provides opportunities for honing essential digital literacy and technology skills, personal skills such as creativity through their projects and interpersonal skills through collaborative efforts.
Our one-to-one laptop program for Grade 6-12 students requires our students to not only become familiar with technology but also to use technology as a learning tool and how to use it effectively, with a deep understanding of the responsibilities of digital citizenship.

In Secondary School, we pride ourselves with offering an enriched educational experience. Our Alberta studies program is further enhanced by incorporating elements from the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme framework and IB Diploma courses. The rigorous Alberta/IB curriculum and the emphasis on the IB Approaches to Learning1 (ATL) emphasis play a pivotal role in Secondary education. Specific skills such as organization, self-regulation and communication are explicitly taught, and students' mastery progress is reported regularly which helps them to develop a well-rounded understanding of these skills.
In addition, we provide personal development instruction via the Positive Enhanced Education Curriculum (PEEC). Our array of option classes available to students provide opportunities to enhance their digital literacy and technology skills,, and ignite their creative and innovative thinking.. There is an abundance of opportunities for leadership skill development through one of the many clubs and activities outside of class. These options include Student Council, Student Leadership, Student Coaching, Duke of Edinburgh and Model United Nations. Engaging in these extracurricular activities can provide invaluable experiences to nurture your leadership potential.

Across the school, a highly diverse array of athletics and extracurricular activities outside of scheduled class time provides opportunities for honing many skills listed as crucial to success. Joining sports teams, for instance, enhances interpersonal connections, while developing leadership abilities and effective time management skills. Joining a club offers a world of opportunities for personal growth, fostering creative thinking and diversity awareness. The benefits are endless!
To succeed in an ever-evolving world, education today must take a modern approach. It should aim to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills that extend beyond traditional boundaries. This way students will be well prepared for careers that are yet to emerge and technology yet to be developed.. This multi-faceted approach is integral to the success of our students at TIS.
1. APPROACHES TO LEARNING - International Baccalaureate®. Accessed September 20, 2023.
2. IB organization, “How the PYP Works,” International Baccalaureate®, accessed September 20, 2023.
3. Moonpreneur. “Top High Value Skills Every Student Must Learn in 2023.” Moonpreneur, September 18, 2023.
4. The Top 10 Skills children should learn in 2023. Accessed September 20, 2023.