Nurturing Responsible Tech Use: A Collaborative Approach for Parents and Schools
In today's digital age, the challenges associated with technology use at home are ever-present. As parents, we are confronted with the complexities of managing our own working schedules while ensuring our children embrace technology safely. With easy access to online content through various apps, video games, TV, and other sources, it is crucial to address the potential risks and guide our children towards responsible tech use. In this Vision Post, we will explore the importance of building tech skills, the necessity of embracing technology safely, and the significance of partnership and collaboration between schools and parents in shaping our children's digital experiences.

As our children navigate the vast digital landscape, it is essential for them to develop robust tech skills. However, we must also recognise the potential risks associated with their online activities, which are shared by parents and teachers alike. Through technology, children may gain access to a wide range of content, some of which may be inappropriate, including profanity, sexually explicit material, and violence. They may also develop an unhealthy attachment to online content which can come with addiction and the detrimental physical effects of prolonged exposure to screens. There is also the strong possibility of experiencing peer pressure to use certain devices or apps, as well as the chance of interactions with strangers or online predators.
To address these challenges, it is imperative that parents and schools work together in fostering responsible tech use. By sharing good practices and resources, we can establish a common message which guides our children towards safe and valuable digital experiences.

As a parent, are you:
Setting boundaries for tech use at home?
Balancing screen time with other activities, especially providing the opportunity for physical activity?
Providing guidance towards meaningful and educational content online? (Not all screen time holds equal value)
Planning and scheduling screen time purposefully to ensure that it complements other aspects of your child's development?
Being a role model, by designating tech-free times, especially during meals, to encourage face-to-face interactions and family bonding?
Double-checking content using reputable resources like Common Sense Media, which can assist in making informed decisions about what types of content are appropriate?
Recognising that the responsibility of shaping our children's tech use extends beyond the confines of our homes, it is crucial to establish a strong partnership and collaboration between schools and parents. Together, we can create a comprehensive approach that addresses the diverse challenges and opportunities presented by technology.

At TIS, we are aware of our pivotal role in providing education and resources that promote responsible tech use. As your partner we aim to:
Provide parent information and training sessions to enhance parental understanding of digital literacy and online safety. We run annual tech safety presentations for parents to build awareness of emerging tech issues and equip parents with the skills and knowledge needed to meet new challenges.
Share valuable technology resources and information through our parent links on the school website to keep parents informed and equipped with the latest information.
Prepare lessons and activities, delivered by skilled teachers, aimed at fostering excellent technology skills alongside a culture of safe and responsible technology use.
(Our teachers and staff enrol every year in two Personal Development (PD) days, where they take courses and workshops to deepen their understanding of various subjects, and keep up to date with educational trends, staying at the forefront of technology).

Throughout the year, our students benefit from various school-wide events that aim to educate them about responsible technology usage. For instance, our Digital Citizenship Week stands as a dedicated initiative where we support students across all grades in developing the skills required to ethically engage with online content and safely navigate their devices. During this week, our teachers lead educational themed lessons that shed light on the dangers of using the web unethically, emphasising the importance of becoming responsible digital citizens.
Another noteworthy event is The Day of AI, where students explore the multifaceted nature of AI, and learn how best to utilise it. Recognizing that AI, like any rapidly advancing technology, has both positive and negative aspects, we equip our students to be able to spot the difference, ethically using this powerful tool to make informed decisions, leveraging it to aid their academic journey.

By acknowledging the challenges associated with technology use at home, building our children's tech skills while ensuring their safety, and fostering partnership and collaboration with schools, we can create a positive and empowering environment for our children's digital growth. Let us embrace the opportunities that technology brings, while equipping our children with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world responsibly.
Common Sense Media:
Parenting in the Digital Age: