TIS Completes Its 5 Year IB Evaluation!
Eight years ago, TIS commenced the journey to becoming an IB World School, and in 2017, our School was awarded the IB World School authorization. Since then, we have been proudly offering this prestigious global program to our students.
However, authorization is not the finish line for us or any IB World School. Rather, it is the commencement of a continuous journey to ensure that TIS upholds the high-quality standard and academic rigour set by the IBO. To ensure ongoing quality, the IBO monitors IB programme implementation and each IB school must seek re-authorization via a 5-year review.
The IB visiting team spoke to parents, board members, administrators & teachers
The IB organization is known for its commitment to providing challenging programs to schools around the globe. Therefore, it is no surprise that the evaluation process for IB World Schools is just as rigorous as its academic programs. In addition to an intensive review of our school’s course offerings, staff qualifications, school documentation, organizational structure and governance, the IB Visiting Team also conducted a three-day “visit” to TIS. The interviews included all stakeholders, including board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, students and parents. This review process provides assurance to all stakeholders that the same international high standards are being upheld throughout all IB schools, no matter the location.
IB Evaluation Gives Students Access To The Latest Innovations and Concepts
TIS's recent IB review process is now completed, and we are happy to report that our School has been approved to continue to offer the IB Diploma Programme to our students. We want to share some of the highlights from the review process.
IB visiting team are impressed with our teachers high level of academic credentials
The IB Organization has noted that our teachers use an appropriate amount of technology in their classrooms to enhance the research process of inquiry based learning. Another area that impressed them was our teachers' high level of academic credentials and we are incredibly proud of this. TIS teachers who are delivering IB Diploma subjects have both experience in teaching IB and current IB Workshop certification(s).

The review ensures best teaching practices are in place for delivering IB courses
The review highlighted that the IB philosophy and our School's philosophy are closely aligned. This alignment also ensures that best teaching practices for delivering IB courses to our students are undertaken. But, more importantly, it gives them access to the latest innovations and concepts to help the students to flourish on their education journey.
As a part of holistic student development, our students are encouraged to exhibit the IB Learner Profile characteristics and develop their Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills. From our governing body, to school leadership, to teachers and staff, we are all collectively promoting student learning and providing a high level of support for student well-being and academic growth.

Positive feedback was garnered from our parent community
The IB evaluation team observed that TIS has well established communication channels, reaching out to all stakeholders, and that information is shared in a timely manner via multiple platforms.
Another tremendous highlight was garnering positive feedback from our parent community and hearing how supportive they are of TIS’s implementation of IB Diploma Programme in the school. We welcome parent involvement as they are crucial to building a stronger community. In addition, the parents see our staff are passionate about embodying the IB philosophy and program. We are thankful for their support and trust.