IB at TIS and Why It’s Ideal Preparation For Further Study!
Recently, TIS held an information evening for parents and students regarding High School Course Selection and IBDP in the Blackbox Theatre. We would like to share the main topics of discussion.
At TIS, we currently offer Grade 11 and Grade 12 students the Alberta Diploma and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program [IBDP] that students complete concurrently. Commencing the 2022-23 school year, we would like to share TIS's direction regarding IB and the Alberta Diploma. This direction aims to provide the best possible academic outcome for all students.
The benefits of IB to your child
It is widely recognized that the IBDP is a global qualification accepted by universities worldwide. At TIS, we believe that all of our students would benefit from the skill development inherent in the IB diploma courses. These skills are transferable to a wide variety of post-secondary pursuits. Some learning benefits gained via taking IB courses include:
The opportunity for greater breadth and depth of study in each subject, especially when studying a course at a Higher Level, better prepares students for the rigours of university study.
The greater emphasis on developing critical thinking enables students to better assess the reliability and credibility of statements made by others.
The written assessment components within each course provide better preparation for academic writing at the tertiary level and improve students’ English language skills.

The research requirement within many courses results in improved fact-finding skills.
The varied forms of assessment provide opportunities to communicate knowledge and understanding in multiple ways.
Internal assessment allows for students to undertake self-directed lines of inquiry.
Advance university credit may be given to those who achieve good grades in IB courses.
Top-ranked universities expect students to have taken the most challenging program available at their school.
The Changes to IB & Alberta Diploma Course Offerings
From the next academic year onwards, students in Grade 11 who choose to pursue only the Alberta diploma will be required to take at least one IB diploma course. The Social Studies 20 course will be replaced by IB Global Politics, and all 11th Grade students will be required to take this course. While studying IB Global Politics, all the learning outcomes of the Alberta Social Studies curriculum will be covered. Therefore, students will be prepared to take the Alberta Social Studies 30 diploma examination at the end of Grade 12.
Successful completion of the IB Global Politics course and the Alberta Social Studies 30 final examination will result in the student being granted credits for Social Studies 20 and 30, ensuring that the requirements are covered for the Alberta High School diploma.
In addition to the mandatory Global Politics course in Grade 11, only IB courses will be available for students in Art, Business, Economics and Mandarin. The Alberta course content will be delivered within the IB Diploma Programme. As a result, students who successfully complete these courses will receive parallel course credits on their Alberta transcripts and as well as be in a position to receive recognition from the IB.
We will be expanding this approach in the 2023/2024 academic year to include all Science, Mathematics, English and Language courses. As a result, our Grade 11 students will be primarily studying IB courses in their classes in that academic year. The Alberta course content is covered concurrently, and Alberta transcript credits are granted via the IB course delivery incorporating Alberta outcomes.
We believe that this shift in curricular focus will provide all of our students with the benefits of taking IB courses and better prepare them for future studies.
IB Diploma only?
At the moment, students taking the full IB diploma also undertake the full complement of the Alberta High School diploma requirements. However, student and parent feedback has suggested allowing students undertaking the full IB diploma to receive an exemption from taking the Alberta examinations.
Beginning in the next academic year, students who are in very good academic standing, showing that they will be successful in attaining an IB diploma, will earn this exemption.

Any full IB students who have not demonstrated that they are sure to attain an IB diploma will be required to meet the Alberta diploma requirements. This ensures that all students finish Grade 12 with at least one High School diploma, allowing for further tertiary studies in Macau or abroad.
Do you have questions? We have answers!
When can parents receive more detailed information regarding the new IB courses starting next year?
What are the differences between higher level and standard level courses?
Answers to these questions and more can be found by clicking on the link here. (Answers available in Chinese and English).
Evening Replay
Video replay from the Information Session
Please click on the video to listen to a replay of content from the evening.