Back to School 2024/2025: Important Reminders
As we approach the start of the 2024/2025 academic year, we have some important reminders to share with our TIS families.
Mark your Calendars:
August 30
Grade 7 New & Returning Students Orientation (8:40 am - 12pm)
Orientation for NEW Grade 8 -12 students (9am-1pm)
NOTE: All students must wear their school uniform and bring a laptop
September 2
Orientation for Grade 1-6 students and parents (1pm-3pm) - all parents and students can drop by anytime within the said period to meet with teachers, but attending students must be accompanied by their parents/guardians. School uniform is not required for Grade 1-6.
Grade 7 to Grade 12 - First Full Day of School (For new and existing students) All Students are expected to attend. Students must come to school in their school uniform.
September 3
Grade 1-6: First full day of school
Gibbon Access & Parent ID’s
Gibbon will be available from September 2 onwards. Existing families can use their old ID cards until the end of September. New Families will be issued a temporary Parent ID in late August, once parents update their information in Gibbon, a request for a permanent Parent ID is to be submitted within September. For Gibbon support, please email
Other important reminders:
Apply for school bus service (first come, first served)
Submit your September lunch order
Review the TIS Uniform Guidelines and visit the Uniform Store
Update your child’s photo permission settings in Gibbon
Download the DSEDJ APP to get notifications on school closures. This is where the information is released first. It is also the only APP used to scan the QR Code on the DSEDJ Student Card.
Remember to check your email regularly or turn on notifications to stay up-to-date on all school communications. You can review these and more useful information on your Start up Information Kit!
We're really looking forward to kicking off another great year and welcoming all of our students back to campus. See you soon!

七年級全體學生開學簡介會(上午 08:40 - 下午 12:00)
八至十二年級新生簡介會(上午 09:00 - 下午 01:00)
小一至小六學生及家長迎新會 (下午 1 點至 3 點) - 所有家長和學生均可在上述時段內前來與老師見面,出席的學生必須由家長/監護人陪同。當天小一至小六學生無需穿著校服返校。
七年級至十二年級 - 正式開學(適用於新舊學生) 所有學生均須出席,並穿著整齊校服回校上課。
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